Grades 1st - 5th

Pedagogical Overview

    • Math: Qualities of numbers, introduction to the four operations of arithmetic, geometric forms, whole number processes, counting rhythm and times tables 1 through 6 and 10

    • Literature and Grammar: Pictorial and phonetic introduction to the alphabet, word recognition, writing, poetry recitation, and fairy and folk tales from around the world

    • Science: Nature stories, nature walks, observations, gardening, local environment, seasons and visits to local farms and an indoor greenhouse

    • Performing Arts and Music: Recorder (which develops finger coordination and concentration), singing songs, poetry memorization, in-class drama and marionette performances

    • Art: Watercolor (which has an emphasis on working with color rather than creating formed pictures), beeswax modeling and crayon illustrations

    • Handwork: Knitting (which promotes hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, arithmetic skills, sequencing, patience, perseverance and self-esteem), seasonal crafts

    • Spanish: Introduced through plays, songs, rhythms, poems and games

    • History and Social Studies: Fairy and folk tales, rhymes, poems and songs

    • Geography: Spatial orientation and body geography

    • Movement: Circle games, yoga, eurhythmy and outside play


    • Math: Continue with four operations of arithmetic, story problems, number patterns, times tables 7 through 12, two digit multiplication, carrying and borrowing, written calculations

    • Literature and Grammar: Reading and writing, phonetics, elements of grammar, spelling, punctuation, animal fables, myths and legends of heroic people from around the world

    • Science: Nature stories, nature walks, observations, gardening, local environment, seasons, visits to local farms and an indoor greenhouse and animals

    • Performing Arts and Music: Recorder, singing songs, poetry memorization, in-class drama and marionette performances

    • Art: Form drawing, watercolor painting, beeswax modeling, crayon drawings

    • Spanish: Continuation of 1st grade adding vocabulary, counting, animals and colors

    • Handwork: Knitting patterns with multiple stitches, crocheting and seasonal crafts

    • History and Social Studies: Fairy and folk tales, legends, poems, songs and stories of heroic people

    • Geography: Natural studies

    • Movement: Rhythmic games, line games, yoga, eurhythmy and outside play

    • Math: Memorization of multiplication tables 1 through 12 continued and strengthened, weight, measure, length, volume, money, time, continued two and three digit multiplication and long division

    • Literature and Grammar: Elements of grammar (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs), spelling, compositions, stories from ancient history and continued reading

    • Science: Gardening, soil, nature studies, animal husbandry, conservation, cooking, house building and visits to local farms and an indoor greenhouse

    • Performing Arts and Music: Recorder, singing in rounds, in-class skits, performance of annual class play and music notation

    • Art: Continue form drawing, painting, beeswax modeling, crayon and pencil drawing

    • Spanish: Integration into the core curriculum in songs, plays, poetry, conversations and vocabulary

    • Handwork: Crocheting patterns, hand sewing and seasonal crafts

    • History and Social Studies: Study of practical life to include house building, clothing and cooking around the world

    • Geography: History of farming and house building around the world

    • Movement: Traditional games, dancing, yoga, eurhythmy and outside play

    • Math: Continuation of long division, fractions, averages, factoring

    • Literature and Grammar: Elements of grammar, spelling and punctuation, book reports, creative writing, composition, Norse and Finnish mythology, Indian Legends and local history

    • Science: Zoology, animals in their environment, continuation of gardening and nature studies

    • Performing Arts and Music: Singing and recorder in rounds, possible addition of violin/cello, music theory, choir, reading music notation

    • Art: Advanced form drawing, painting and clay modeling

    • Spanish: Continued songs, plays, poetry, conversations, cultural activities, vocabulary, beginning writing and reading

    • Handwork: Cross-stitch, embroidery, knotting and braiding

    • History and Social Studies: Local Wisconsin history

    • Geography: Local Wisconsin geography and map making

    • Movement: Yoga, folk dancing and relay races

    • Math: Decimals, fractions, metric system, geometry as it developed in ancient cultures

    • Literature and Grammar: Spelling, sentence structure, descriptive writing, punctuation and compositions, Greek, Indian, Persian and Egyptian myths; business letter writing and report writing

    • Science: Botany, inductive method, continuation of garden and nature studies

    • Performing Arts and Music: Recorder, violin/cello and 3-part choir

    • Art: Freehand geometric drawing, painting, clay modeling and drawing

    • Spanish: Continued songs, plays, poetry, conversations, cultural activities, vocabulary, writing and reading

    • Handwork: Knitting in rounds, knitting socks, hats and mittens and woodcarving

    • History and Social Studies: Mythology and life in ancient civilizations from ancient India through ancient Greece, Greek history through Alexander the Great

    • Geography: North American geography as related to vegetation, agriculture, culture and economics

    • Technology: Computer skills and use will be part of the Main Lesson

    • Movement: Archery and Greek Pentathlon games preparations

Our sister school, Tomorrow River Community Charter Schools, guides us. Their Grades Curriculum, which they generously shared with us, is included here. In addition, their tenured faculty are mentoring the new Public Waldorf Education staff at Red Granite. We are greatly appreciative of their expertise and guidance as we start this new school.